We launched a new beta website with a new UI and more search result retention. Please check it out and let us know what you think: https://beta.nzbindex.com


All information within our database is indexed by an automated process, without any human intervention. It is obtained from global Usenet newsgroups over which NZBIndex has no control. We cannot prevent that you might find obscene or objectionable material by using this service. If you do come across obscene, incorrect or objectionable results, let us know by following these steps described here and these results will be removed.

Do note that we merely index the information found on Usenet and are unable to manually screen all information. NOTE: When a search result contains a "collection" it means that a group of files with similar names was posted by the same poster in the same newsgroup. We do not group or filter files manually. Therefore it may occur that the system mistakenly combines files with different content.

You may use this site only for your own personal use. Commercial use, in any shape or form, is strictly prohibited.

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